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Russell D. Jones

Flash Fiction - Hacker Team Re: Syphn

“You’re doing great, Scyphn. You’ve got seven minutes left before the sentry protocols detect my intrusion program.” Re: spoke into the microphone on her headset as her eyes darted between six monitors. Four of them displayed what looked like security cam footage, which cycled through different scenes of hallways, rooms, and doors as she tapped on her keyboard. Another screen showed the status of the hacking program she’d used to infiltrate the building’s network. The final one relayed the personal cam of Scyphn as he navigated the corridors. “Take the next door on your left, coming up. I’ll unlock it for you.” Re: switched her application over to the building’s schematics, and with a swift input, changed one of the red entrances to green. She followed the live feed as Scyphn entered the room.

His voice came in a whisper. “What’s the deal with the guard patrols? The job description said they were frequent. I haven’t seen a soul.”

“I planned this route personally. And I’m good,” Re: replied. “You’re approaching the data core: I’m disabling all alarms. You’ll only have two minutes inside until they refresh.”

“Got it.”

Re: watched him exit through the back of the room and pass into a long sterile hall. “There, just ahead. It’s the only door left of the intersection.”

“What about the guards? I can probably handle them if there are only two.” A pistol appeared in Scyphn’s vision.

“No need. They do a ten-minute patrol every hour. They will be where you’re standing in about four minutes, which gives you plenty of time.”

As if in response, the gun disappeared, most likely re-holstered. Re: followed Scyphn’s gaze as he moved around the corner and stopped at the only door in the section. “That’s it,” she said. “You’re clear for entry.” Scyphn’s footage toggled between both directions of the corridor.

“Something doesn’t feel right.”

“One minute, fifty seconds.”

His hand appeared in frame and yanked the door open.

This one had good instincts. Too bad. She shut down her hacking program with a series of keystrokes before the security-hunter protocol traced it to her. Re: leaned back in her chair and pulled off her headset, tossing it casually next to the keyboard on her desk. The faint sound of gunfire popped and crackled from the speakers. She picked up her phone and hit redial on a recent number.

“Is it done?” the voice on the other end asked immediately.

“It is. Scyphn is no longer an issue, and I’ve made sure Soma Corp will be blamed for the intrusion.”

The connection dropped. With her thumb, Re: clicked over to her cryptocurrency app and watched as the numbers rolled up, showing a deposit of seventeen million SIN coins.

“So, they think I’m dead?” Scyphn said as he stepped from the shadows into the glow of Re:’s monitors.

“Yes,” Re: rotated her chair to face him. “They’ll never see you coming.”

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